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Service Matters: A Summit on Jewish Service

July 12th, 2016

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This fall, Repair the World will make the case that a Jewish community united in service will strengthen itself as well as the world.Service Matters Summit

Service Matters: A Summit on Jewish Service

When: Thursday, September 15, 2016 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Where: 237 Park Avenue; Entrance on Lexington Avenue ,New York, New York 10017

The Summit will bring together a diverse group of professionals, social entrepreneurs, current and prospective funders, Jewish educators, and others working to engage people—especially Jewish millennials—in meaningful service through a Jewish lens.

Join Service Matters if you are looking for solutions to build meaningful Jewish connections with young Jews who care about social justice; leading, innovating or thinking about Jewish engagement effectiveness as a professional, social entrepreneur, philanthropist, educator; or eager to learn (or share!) where and why service through a Jewish lens is engaging tens of thousands and keeping them engaged, building new forms of Jewish community.

Learn more about the confirmed speakers and breakout sessions, and register here