Why We Need to Know How Jewish American Teens Are Really Doing
An Update on the National BeWell Survey in Partnership with Stanford University
An Update on the National BeWell Survey in Partnership with Stanford University
Partners in the News
The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati (JFC), is a member of the Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative, a group, comprised of 15 national and local funders committed to investing in community–based Jewish teen education initiatives. Recently…
Partners in the News
In recognition of its success infusing Israel into a greater part of camp culture and overall experience, Camp Pembroke in Pembroke, was awarded the inaugural “Goodman Prize for Excellence in Israel Education at Camp” by the iCenter for Israel Education, Foundation…
From the Foundation Team
One of the Jim Joseph Foundation’s three strategic funding priorities is to build the field of Jewish education. But what does this actually mean? ...
Guest Blog
Recently, a group of 15 different organizations (15!) released a case study –Finding New Paths for Teen Engagement and Learning: A Funder Collaborative Leads the Way – detailing the two-years they’ve spent working together, learning about and investing…
Featured Partner
Three years ago, BBYO set out to enhance the quality of experiential Jewish education offered to teens across its global movement. This was no small challenge, given that BBYO engages about 42,000 teens annually, but does not have the capacity to reach…
From the Foundation Team
Last week marked six months since I was hired as an Administrative Assistant at the Jim Joseph Foundation. I thoroughly enjoy my work, which, as I expected, is rewarding. What I didn’t anticipate, however, is how my engagement in Jewish life professionally…
Partners in the News
A funder collaborative set up to invest in community-based Jewish teen education initiatives has been “strikingly successful” in its first two years, with all participants reporting a high level of satisfaction, a case study commissioned by…
From the Foundation Team
While usually defined by shorter grant periods, a bridge funding grant can have a significant catalyzing impact on the grantee—and often is indicative of an exciting new stage of organizational growth or direction. Bridge funding grants most commonly…
Partners in the News
Professional development program trains exceptional staff for Taglit-Birthright Israel trips Taglit-Birthright Israel opened registration earlier this week for Cohort 3 of Taglit Fellows, the professional development program launched in 2014 in…
From the Foundation Team
I hope you enjoyed a meaningful Pesach with family and friends. In this month’s blog, I want to share with you several significant personnel changes at the Foundation. Sandy Edwards, the Foundation’s Associate Director since 2006, will step down in…
From the Foundation Team
For all Jews worldwide, it recently was Pesach. What did it mean to you? To me, every year, it means reflection on two questions emanating from the same root: Am I free and Are we free? The “we” meaning my family, my friends, my communities (Jewish…
From the Foundation Team
In the midst of its tenth year, the Jim Joseph Foundation has created what might be called “a family of beneficiaries.” There are young Jews who have, as an example, traveled to Israel on Birthright, lived in a Moishe House, enrolled in HUC-JIR, Mechon…