Why We Need to Know How Jewish American Teens Are Really Doing
An Update on the National BeWell Survey in Partnership with Stanford University
An Update on the National BeWell Survey in Partnership with Stanford University
From the Foundation Team
In the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to identify and analyze best grantmaking strategies, we have seen grantees achieve outcomes that both strengthen organizational capacity and position organizations for future growth. By virtue of grantees’…
From the Foundation Team
The mission of the Jim Joseph Foundation—to foster compelling, effective Jewish learning experiences for young Jews—has been a central theme of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up influenced by dozens of Jewish educators in a variety…
Partners in the News
This summer, the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago launches a new initiative to increase the depth and quality of programming for Chicagoland Jewish teens – including the creation of an immersive Spring Break program to pilot next year.…
Partners in the News
Five local day schools have collected more than 21 million ways to make Jewish education more affordable in Los Angeles. A multiyear program to raise cash endowments and focus on tuition assistance called the Los Angeles High School Affordability Initiative…
From the Foundation Team
Editor’s Note: Later this month, Foundation Associate Director Sandy Edwards will leave the position she has held since 2006. She will remain involved in Jewish education and philanthropy through consulting and volunteering efforts. Below are reflections…
Partners in the News
It’s a precarious world for Jewish girls — in addition to the angst of adolescence, they are at risk for depression, eating disorders and risky behavior. And Jewish girls, post-bat mitzvah, also often drop out of Jewish life. But, for 3,500 Jewish…
Featured Partner
Just over thirteen years ago, a network of highly successful young cultural creatives began to take shape. These deeply passionate individuals, most of whom considered themselves at the outskirts of Judaism, came together to form Reboot, a nonprofit…
From the Foundation Team
Later this month, the Jim Joseph Foundation Board of Directors and Professional team will hold a special Board Meeting in Israel. The Foundation last held a Board meeting there in 2009, and Directors have elected to conduct another meeting in Israel as…
Partners in the News
Last month, a group of 15 different organizations (15!) released a case study—Finding New Paths for Teen Engagement and Learning: A Funder Collaborative Leads the Way—detailing the two-years they’ve spent working together, learning about and investing…
Partners in the News
With new focus on ‘21st century skill-set,’ camp is fast becoming another data point on a teen’s resume. When Barbara Rose Welford was looking to enroll her teenage daughter in summer camp, color war and cookouts weren’t enough to catch her eye.…
Guest Blog
Since 2012, we have witnessed the growth of local networks for Jewish engagement professionals – “engagers” who are responsible for Jewish millennial engagement and programming – in cities across the country, including Seattle, San Francisco,…
Featured Partner
In 2008, five Jewish high schools in Los Angeles partnered with BJE: Builders of Jewish Education, the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles, the Simha & Sara Lainer Day School Endowment Fund, and the Jim Joseph Foundation to launch the…