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Major Benchmark Reached for LA High School Affordability Initiative

May 21st, 2015

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In 2008, five Jewish high schools in Los Angeles partnered with BJE: Builders of Jewish Education, the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles, the Simha & Sara Lainer Day School Endowment Fund, and the Jim Joseph Foundation to launch the LA High School Affordability Initiative (LAHSAI). The initiative was premised on the schools collectively raising $17 million in cash endowments, which would be matched by $4.25 million from the Lainer Endowment Fund, positioning the schools—and really the broader community—to be able to help middle income families enroll their daughters and sons in Jewish high schools for years to come.

Earlier this month, the five schools—Milken Community High School, New Community Jewish High School, Shalhevet High School, YULA Boys High School, and YULA Girls High School—reached that formidable benchmark of $17 million raised. When combined with the $4.25 million Lainer match, this means that $21.25 million in endowment funds will be providing the schools with yearly income for tuition assistance.

The Jim Joseph Foundation wishes the schools, their families, BJE, and the entire community a sincere kol hakavod for meeting the challenge!

Jewish high schools develop individuals who possess strong Jewish identities, a dense network of Jewish connections, and deep Jewish knowledge. Now, more youth in Los Angeles will have the opportunity to  participate in enriching day school education.

To learn more about the LA High School Affordability Initiative, view its model documentation, read a previous blog from Arlene Lepoff Agress and Miriam Prum Hess of BJE, and see a previous featured grantee profile.