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CASJE’s Brand New Website

July 30th, 2015

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featured_grantee_300x200CASJE, the Consortium for Applied Studies in Jewish Education, has rapidly evolved into a dynamic community of researchers, practitioners, and philanthropic leaders dedicated to improving the quality of knowledge to guide the work of Jewish Education.

CASJE’s new website—www.casje.org—is part of this exciting evolution.

Casje.org is an integral part of CASJE’s commitment to discovering, generating, and sharing useable knowledge about significant issues in Jewish education. Visit the site to learn about CASJE’s work, current areas of focus, and collaborative communities. Casje.org is now a hub for news and events about Jewish education in general — with a focus on applied research.

Over the next five years, CASJE will offer an environment for scholars—new and veteran alike—to think creatively about questions and topics that can help shape Jewish education. CASJE provides the structure to not only search for the answers, but to disseminate this critical learning to the entire field.

The purpose of CASJE is to connect Jewish education researchers, practitioners, and funders. In fields like law and medicine, research informs and improves practice. We believe that research in Jewish education can and should do the same, by better drawing on what we already know about Jewish education and being more thoughtful about what we might learn.

-Lee Shulman, Stanford University

The Jim Joseph Foundation has awarded three grants for CASJE totaling more than $1.7 million. Please see Chip Edelsberg’s guest blog about CASJE’s contributions to the field of Jewish education.