The Jim Joseph Foundation Mourns the Passing of Ralph Goldman Z”l

October 8th, 2014

The Jim Joseph Foundation joins others around the world in mourning the passing of Ralph Goldman, a former leader of the American JRalph Goldmanoint Distribution Committee who also played an integral role in the founding of Israel.

“Ralph Goldman embodied what it means to truly change the world,” says Al Levitt, president of the Jim Joseph Foundation. “He was an inspiration, a visionary leader who profoundly impacted the lives of countless of Jews around the globe. From his role in the founding of Israel to his time as head of the JDC, Ralph Goldman’s life’s work—his passion—leaves a monumental legacy that we can only try to emulate: to care for Israel, to help K’lal Yisrael, and to create vibrant Jewish communities. Zichrono Livracha – may his memory be a blessing.”

Ralph Goldman Z”l was 100 years old. Learn more about his remarkable life here