Partners in the News

Wexner Field Fellowship Announces Class 4

January 16th, 2020

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The Wexner Foundation, in partnership with the Jim Joseph Foundation, is pleased to announce Class 4 of the Wexner Field Fellowship. Fifteen outstanding professionals were selected through a highly competitive process for this three-year intensive program. Utilizing the diverse, cohort-based learning that is the hallmark of The Wexner Foundation programs, Field Fellows will be exposed to different approaches to leadership and tools for addressing pressing issues in the Jewish community, while being integrated into The Wexner Foundation’s vast network of more than 3,000 professional and volunteer leaders in North America and Israel, including the 30 outstanding professionals who are currently in the Field Fellowship Program, as well as 25 alumni.

Complete list of Class 4 Fellows:

  • Ari Brickman, Senior Philanthropic Officer, Key Relationships for The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, North Bethesda, MD
  • Yehuda Chanales, Director of Educational Advancement for the Fuchs Mizrachi School, Beachwood, OH
  • Keren Fraiman, Dean and Chief Academic Officer for the Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership, Chicago, IL
  • Rachael Fried, Executive Director for JQY (Jewish Queer Youth), New York, NY
  • Gavi Geller, Executive Director for the Jewish Community Relations Bureau, AJC, Overland Park, KS
  • Addie Klein, Director of Community Engagement for the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
  • Stephanie Levin, Chief Engagement and Innovation Officer for the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, Foster City, CA
  • Evan Majzner, VP, Development and Strategic Initiatives for itrek, New York, NY
  • Janu Mendel, Executive Director for Repair the World, Miami, FL
  • Harry Pell, Associate Head of School for The Leffell School, Hartsdale, NY
  • Hillel Rapp, Director of Education for Bnei Akiva Schools, Toronto, Ontario
  • Lani Santo, Executive Director for Footsteps, New York, NY
  • Yaffi Scheinberg, Executive Director and Head of School for Kayla’s Children Centre, Toronto, Ontario
  • Matt Weintraub, Executive Director for Valley Beth Shalom, Encino, CA
  • Ari Weiss, Executive Director for Cornell Hillel, Ithaca, NY

The Wexner Foundation has more than 30 years of experience developing excellence in Jewish professionals and volunteer leaders in North America. The Wexner Field Fellowship was created in 2013 in partnership with the Jim Joseph Foundation to focus on developing promising Jewish professionals’ leadership skills while enveloping them in a rich network of Jewish colleagues. Wexner Field Fellows engage in a diverse, cohort-based leadership learning program. Fellows are selected based on their past accomplishments, current motivation and engagement, and exceptional attributes they’ll contribute to the cohort of 15 diverse Jewish professionals of which they will be a part. Through in-person, intensive conferences and virtual meetings, Wexner Field Fellows are exposed to Jewish educational and professional growth opportunities while addressing their unique needs of career and personal progress.

“We faced the tremendous challenge of selecting our new class from a deep and talented pool of candidates. The field is richly blessed. I am excited about the ways in which these 15 mid-career Jewish professionals will contribute to the Wexner Field Fellowship and more importantly to the Jewish organizations and communities they will lead,” said Rabbi B. Elka Abrahamson, President of The Wexner Foundation. “This new cohort of transformational leaders will add mightily to the community of Wexner Fellows and Alumni shaping the Jewish future.”

As with the first three cohorts of Field Fellows, Class 4 is comprised of dynamic Jewish professionals at pivotal moments in their careers. Fellows work in Jewish federations, summer camps, advocacy and social justice organizations, day and supplementary schools, national organizations and local institutions across North America. To get more info about each Fellow, please click here.

“The Wexner Foundation continues to shape our field in deeply profound ways,” said Barry Finestone, President and CEO of the Jim Joseph Foundation. “Their programs for Jewish leaders and educators provide the highest quality learning and coaching and enable cohort members to develop such important and supportive peer networks. These thousands of leaders and educators engage directly with Jewish youth and ultimately help shape the Jewish community. We are very pleased to continue to support the Wexner Foundation’s important work and congratulate the newest cohort of Wexner Field Fellows.”

As part of this three-year intensive professional development program, Wexner Field Fellows:

  • Become part of a selective cohort of lifelong professional learners.
  • Learn with amazing leadership teachers and Jewish educators.
  • Receive one-on-one professional coaching and Jewish learning, along with access to funds toward customized professional development opportunities.
  • Develop a nuanced appreciation for the diversity of the North American Jewish community.
  • Focus on developing strengths in adaptive leadership, storytelling, difficult conversations, negotiation and other crucial leadership skills.

Source: The Wexner Foundation, January 7, 2020