The Heart of Grantmaking: Relationships, Empathy, and Trust
Insights from One of the Foundation’s Newest Team Members
Insights from One of the Foundation’s Newest Team Members
From the Foundation Team
25 years lies in between my first and second visits to Israel. The second came last summer when I participated in a Birthright Israel trip along with 40 other Jewish young adults from the Bay Area.
Partners in the News
The iCenter for Israel Education, in partnership with the George Washington University’s Graduate School of Education and Human Development, is proud to launch a new Graduate Certificate in Israel Education.
Featured Partner
Well-trained and supported teachers are integral to high quality and effective Jewish Day Schools.
Guest Blog
I came to Stanford with a vague sense that I wanted to study transmission of musical culture and that I wanted to delve even more deeply into the cantorial music tradition I was involved with as a creative musician.
Partners in the News
How much money does it take to change the landscape of early childhood Jewish education in the Bay Area?
Partners in the News
Jewish summer camping is one of the most effective ways of teaching and socializing and orienting young Jews. During the time they’re at camp, Jewish campers at Jewish camps live entirely Jewishly.
Partners in the News
In Los Angeles, about a decade ago, we examined the work of our Federation and concluded that to fulfill our mission and ensure a strong Jewish community committed to Jewish values, we needed to invest more in creating meaningful Jewish experiences for…
Featured Partner
A growing base of knowledge is developing for Jewish education practitioners to turn to for insights and best practices so they engage learners in the most effective ways possible.
Partners in the News
The multi-faceted Denver/Boulder Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Initiative (Initiative) is involving more teens in Jewish life, offering them new programs they find relevant, and helping them develop leadership skills—says a new evaluation…
Partners in the News
Long a cornerstone of the American Jewish experience, Jewish summer camp provides kids an unbreakable link to their past and a head start into their future.
Partners in the News
As the #MeToo movement has grown and spread across industries and sectors, it has laid bare an inescapable truth: the Jewish community is subject to the same kinds of issues, inequities and power dynamics that exist in other communities.
Guest Blog
The interdisciplinary nature of the concentration has been especially valuable because I have been able to take classes in, and learn methodologies from, the fields of sociology and education policy.