Guest Blog

Fostering Joy at the EJE Network Day of Learning

– by Kara Liu, David Rosen, and Lily Lozovsky

July 7th, 2016

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Editor’s Note:  An inaugural retreat in October 2015 launched a new network of experiential Jewish educators, comprised of more than 200 program graduates from HUC-JIR’s Certificate in Jewish Education specializing in Adolescents and Emerging Adults; The Davidson School’s Master’s Degree in Jewish Experiential Education program and Jewish Experiential Leadership Institute (in partnership with the JCC Association); and YU’s Certificate Program in Experiential Jewish Education

Earlier this summer, members of the Experiential Jewish Education (EJE)  Network gathered again for a Day of Learning on the topic of “Fostering Joy: How can we harness joy to meet our goals as experiential Jewish educators.” Network members had the opportunity to learn together, to challenge each other, to try new education strategies, to strengthen their relationships with one another, and to think about how they can bring joy into the lives of learners through the educational experiences they create.

The Jim Joseph Foundation supports the EJE Network through its Education Initiative with HUC-JIR, JTS, and YU. We are pleased to share the following reflections on the Day of Learning from three of its participants:

Bringing More Joy into the Lives of Teens,” by Kara Liu, Youth Director of Temple Israel in Long Beach, CA and a member of cohort five of HUC-JIR’s Certificate in Jewish Education specializing in Adolescents and Emerging Adults

Finding Joy in Data Analysis,” by David Rosen, Associate of Campaign Analytics and Support for JEWISHcolorado and  a member of cohort one of JTS’s Master’s Degree in Jewish Experiential Education

Prioritizing Joy as a Solo Consultant,” by Lily Lozovsky, Director of Bring Back Shabbat and Network Engagement Manager for OU Next Gen and Platforma Global Network and a member of cohort three of YU’s EJE Certificate Program