Guest Blog

Continuing Conversations on Leveraging Educational Technology to Advance Jewish Learning

June 28th, 2017

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“Continuing Conversations on Leveraging Educational Technology to Advance Jewish Learning” is a project of Jewish Funders Network, the Jim Joseph Foundation, and the William Davidson Foundation, and is cross-posted in eJewishPhilanthropyFor an in-depth look at opportunities in Jewish Ed Tech and digital engagement, read Smart Money: Recommendations for an Educational Technology and Digital Engagement Investment Strategy. Later this year, Jewish Funders Network will launch a new website to help advance the field of Jewish educational technology.

Read all the blogs in the series below:

Ubiquity, Access, & Availability: How EdTech Can Transform Schools, Homes, & Anywhere In Between, Michael Cohen, The Tech Rabbi

Jewish EdTech: If You Build It, Will They Come?, Jarred Myers and Nicky Newfield

Augmented Reality in Jewish Day Schools, Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg

Building Jewish Identity Through Engaging Video: A Developer’s Perspective, Sarah Lefton

Open is a Winning Strategy for Technology Investment, Brett Lockspeiser

Questions for Funders – Nurturing an Ecosystem to Embrace Technological Advances for Jewish Education, Jarred Myers and Nicky Newfield

Scale-Up NationJarred Myers and Nicky Newfield

EdTech Training: Up, Up and Away, Smadar Goldstein with Stan Peerless

Digital Promise: Learning Jewish, Online, Chana German

A History of the “Future of Jewish Education,” Russel Neiss

Procuring the Proper Software, Hardware and Teacher Training for Successful Educational Technology Integration – A Funder’s Perspective, Amy Amiel

Making the most of technology in Jewish education, Lewis J. Bernstein and Shira Ackerman (originally in JTA)

Introducing “Smart Money: Recommendations for an Educational Technology and Digital Engagement Investment Strategy,” Kari Alterman and Josh Miller