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BBYO launches $90 million campaign to double annual growth rate

– by JTA

September 6th, 2016

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JTA-logo(JTA) — BBYO launched a five-year, $90 million campaign — aided by two unprecedented gifts — in an effort to double the Jewish youth organization’s annual growth rate.

The “This Moment in Time” campaign will also enable BBYO, the world’s largest pluralistic Jewish youth group, to expand its workforce, increase summer program offerings and grow its endowment.
As part of the initiative, the organization set a goal of 27,000 members annually by the end of the 2022 school year and a reach of 110,000 North American Jewish teens in its programs, according to a statement. The group says it now has 19,000 members with a reach of over 80,000 teens.

The initial grants, totaling $28.8 million, came from longtime funders The Jim Joseph Foundation and The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, two organizations promoting education and Jewish identity building.

Participants in the BBYO International Conference in Baltimore, Feb. 18, 2016. (Jason Dixson Photography)“We believe that BBYO is uniquely positioned to ensure that the Jewish future is vibrant,” said Stacy Schusterman, co-chair of the Schusterman Family Foundation.

BBYO’s CEO, Matthew Grossman, said the organization was “grateful for these significant investments, which will help position us for even greater global reach and impact on Jewish teens.”

The new initiative is based on a six-month study of how the group can build infrastructure in order to increase growth.

BBYO must raise additional funds to reach the $90 million goal.

Source: “BBYO launches $90 million campaign to double annual growth rate,” JTA, September 7, 2016