Trends Report: State of Jewish Camp 2023

February 7th, 2024

Jewish camp has maintained the gains of last summer and the field has settled into a new normal within our post-pandemic world. In summer 2023, the field served +3% (6,000) more campers and counselors than in summer 2022. Part of this new reality includes hiring more staff, since fewer are working the full summer. Camps are having to raise more money to keep up with rising costs and the increased demand for camper financial aid.

While Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC) hopes this report aids camps in planning ahead for summer 2024, the organization acknowledges that this data was collected before the events in Israel on October 7th. Since the initial Camp Census data was reported, FJC has reassessed the needs of Jewish camps in the shadow of this war. It has identified several areas of impact and created initiatives to support the field in addressing new challenges in the areas of wellness, security, staffing, and Israel education.

You can see a snapshot of FJC’s research on camps’ needs related to Israel here. Let us celebrate the resiliency and innovation of the field of Jewish camp as they continue to sustain and nurture multi-generational, joyful Jewish communities.

Trends Report: State of Jewish Camp 2023, Foundation for Jewish Camp, January 2024